...Why no one has ever become a good runner just by running!
Maybe you're like many people: you started jogging because you feel like you need to escape your laziness and do something for your health. Since then, you've been toiling over your kilometers every week and waiting for running to finally become your great passion. But far from it. With every lap you run, the number of aches and pains seems to increase, while your enthusiasm is limited. If it was your hip yesterday, your knees or ankle are hurting today... and that's supposed to be healthy? – Yes, that’s it!
Many newcomers make a big mistake: They underestimate the physical activity according to the motto “Anyone can do a bit of running.” In principle, that's true, but if you're untrained and start jogging without even thinking about the technique or If you waste the necessary physical resources, you may become an athletic wreck faster than you can break in your new running shoes.
We, the personal trainer team at Fit4TheGame, have put together 6 simple tips for you on how you can start running successfully and while having fun. Today we would like to introduce you to tips 1-3.
1. Training variation pleases

When it comes to running training, it's like everything else: if you do the same thing over and over again, you'll quickly become bored or partially over-exerted. It is therefore advisable to add some variety to your everyday routine: running barefoot - also in conjunction with exercises from running school such as skipping, heeling or knee lift - trains the foot and lower leg muscles in a natural way. And this is required when running. Running on varying surfaces and at varying paces not only leads to a longer, stable stride in the long run but also prevents boredom.
2. Increase your cadence

Step length and step frequency determine our running speed. That's why many people believe that simply increasing stride length will ensure new best times. But that is too short-sighted: excessively long steps cause the foot to be placed well in front of the body's center of gravity. The resulting stronger impact increases the risk of injury many times over. In addition, the unnecessarily long flight phase costs time.
It makes much more sense to place your foot exactly under your hip with every step and increase the frequency of carefully executed steps. The strain on the hips and knees is noticeably reduced, while the push-off of the landing foot becomes stronger. You run more economically and more lightly.
You should work on the strength and range of motion of your hip and leg muscles. After a short time you will feel a noticeable difference when running.
3. Incorporate dynamic stretching into your workout…
In contrast to static stretching, in which the stretching position is slowly assumed and held over a longer period of time, the dynamic variant is characterized by the fact that the position is quickly assumed and left again, resulting in alternating, controlled movements.
If you want to get your muscles in the mood for a running session, then it makes sense to complete a sequence of running-specific stretching exercises that prepare your body for the upcoming stress.
In the following videos, our personal trainers present 2 exercises that can be usefully integrated into such a warm-up program. If you would like to know more, we would be happy to create a tailor-made training program for you and train you in the correct execution of movements.
If these tips have piqued your interest, we would be happy to receive feedback in the form of comments or questions. If you feel that we could support you well with your goals, please call us and arrange an appointment for a detailed introductory discussion. We look forward to seeing you!