Become fitter, stronger and more confident – with Fit4TheGame at your side
Discover an inspiring community of coaches and members who will accompany you on your journey.
In 3 steps to Fit4TheGame

#1: TRY US
Sign up for a trial membership and experience our gym risk-free. This way you can easily find out whether we are right for you!

We'll discuss your goals and wishes and together we'll create an individual plan that is perfectly tailored to your wants and needs and also fits in your busy schedule!

#3: Enjoy success straight away!
You complete your first personal training session. You feel great. And you are already on your way to success!
Time is precious. Sustainable results are crucial. Fit4TheGame delivers both.
At Fit4TheGame, we believe that fitness is best achieved together. Our supportive community and personalised bespoke coaching create the perfect environment for everyone - whether a beginner or a competitive athlete - to stay motivated, stick to their plan and find joy in movement!
Thousands of people – from couch potatoes to Ironman finishers – have trained with our experienced coaching team and they're unanimous: Fit4TheGame is the best way to get fitter, leaner and have lots of fun!
How would your life change if you:
If only you had energy every day, all day long?
Would you be in a better mood and have more self-confidence?
Had more emotional resilience?
Had a slimmer, stronger body?
Could think more clearly?
Would you be proud of yourself for consistently being there for yourself and sticking to a positive training routine?
Core programs

Personal training
Personal training guarantees you effective workouts with an expert coach who helps you stay focussed on your goal. Perfect for you, if time is at a premium, you're interested in seeing and feeling results.

Small group training
Training in small groups and as part of the unique Fit4theGame community: Whether your focus is on getting strong or losing weight, small-group lets you can achieve your goals as part of the team!

Nutrition coaching
Physical training is just one part of a healthy and active life. When you combine our workouts with good eating habits, you will exceed and maintain your results.
“Fit4TheGame was the best and healthiest investment of my life! I would never have dreamed of having so much energy and being fitter than ever before after having two children.
“Fit4TheGame is completely different than usual studios. It's very familiar, friendly, they take care of your needs and don't leave you alone once the introduction is over."
“I lost around 18 kilos in just four months and feel really good. I am fitter and much more productive, I sleep better – my overall well-being has improved incredibly.”
“Since the day I decided to join, I have felt much better both outside and inside. I'm committed to changing my lifestyle and now I'm not giving up! I couldn’t have done it without Fit4TheGame..”