I've been a coach/personal trainer for (let me think...) 3 years now... You'd think that nothing could stress me out anymore. It would be nice. The best example was going to the scales this morning. Even though I have NOTHING about my eating or training...
News about fitness, nutrition, health and our gym!
Learn from your mistakes…Personal Trainer Hamburg Fit4TheGame
“Your mouth becomes dry, your stomach tightens, your hands become clammy, and you find it difficult to breathe. Why? Because you just realized that you've made a serious mistake." We've all really screwed up before... And also...
Berry is breaking down! ….Change with Personal Trainer Hamburg
The next step in my personal development as a person and as a coach. Before I go into too much detail and bore you, I'll just tell you a few details about me: I became a member of Fit4TheGame 4 years ago and...
Become more defined with proteins…Personal Trainer Hamburg Fit4TheGame
Be more defined with proteins Tips for weight loss from personal trainer Hamburg Fit4TheGame Bodybuilders swear by it - proteins are the be-all and end-all. The amounts of protein that bodybuilders consume are of course grossly exaggerated, but the current...
'The low-pollutant 15'…Personal Trainer Hamburg Fit4TheGame
The low-pollutant 15 15 foods with extremely low pesticide levels We all know that we should eat more fruits and vegetables. And the media sells us a new "healthy" trend every day. However, what you read and hear again and again are...
How long do you sit during your working hours?…Personal Trainer Hamburg Fit4TheGame
How long do you sit a day? 8-10 hours? And that every day? Many of us will answer “yes” to this question. We sit at work, in the car, on the plane and even at home. We all know that sitting for long periods of time every day...
The Power of One Step… Fit4TheGame Personal Trainer Hamburg
The Power of One Step What are baby steps when it comes to training, nutrition and habit creation? Baby steps are the small, doable and repetitive steps we recommend to our members when moving from point A (the current state)...
Lose weight successfully: Energy drinks – booster or bullshit?
Customers want to lose weight successfully, and the supplement industry makes money. Whether as shots, in cans or as powder – you can do big business with energy drinks. In the UK, sales were 3.5 billion pounds in 2022, an increase...
Is your personal training really functional?
Personal training, just like functional training, is on everyone's lips and yet everyone has something completely different in mind. Time to clear up prejudices and half-truths. An Introduction to Functional Training...
Science vs. resolutions – personal trainer explains
The personal trainers at Fit4TheGame wish you a Happy New Year! The corks were popping everywhere and quite a few people made one or more “good resolutions” this year, perhaps even once again. Finally get fit (possibly with...