Why your metabolism slows down as you get older - and how to get it going again! In our 20s, we think very little about our metabolism. We are young and our bodies still have the "get out of jail free" card...
News about fitness, nutrition, health and our gym!
The power of a healthy physique
Your Body as a Symphony Orchestra: The Health Benefits of Good Body Composition Imagine your body as a large symphony orchestra, where each component plays a critical role in supporting your overall health and...
The Wonders of Endurance: Surprising Statistics That Will Make You Dance
Your heart is in demand! Have you ever thought about why people make so much fuss about maintaining their cardiovascular fitness? What's so great about being able to run a mile or two without stopping? It turns out that it is at the...
Navigating the Road to Better Fitness: Setting Goals that Lead to Transformation
The appeal of fitness is unmistakable. We've all seen the transformations, newfound energy and confidence that comes with a healthy lifestyle. But amid the sea of motivational quotes and fitness gurus, the path to...
Calorie tracking without the stress! A guide for beginners and advanced users
Calorie tracking without the stress! A guide for beginners and advanced users. Calorie tracking is a popular method for monitoring calorie intake and achieving certain fitness goals. Tracking is no different than documenting what you...
How do I strengthen my back? 7 effective exercises for an all-round healthy back
The back - actually very strong, but often not as strong as it should be due to insufficient demands. This often leads to problems in everyday life. If you are currently experiencing back pain, we recommend that you take a look at today's blog post. Here you will find 7...
How can I build muscle and why is MUSCLE BUILDING so important?
Today I want to talk about a topic that is important for many of us - building muscle mass. This not only affects our appearance, but also has a significant impact on our health and self-confidence. So let's have a...
How does stress affect my body and my training?
In today's article you will learn how stress affects your training and how you can reduce your stress through training! “Stress is the strong strain placed on an organism by internal and external stimuli. These as stressors...
5 foods that will help you lose 5 kilos
Despite the best intentions, it's often difficult to always make the right food choices when trying to lose a few pounds. There's often not enough time to spend hours preparing food or planning meals, and when you're busy with other things...
3 ways to achieve your fitness goals - and why discipline alone doesn't work
“I know what I need to do, but I just can't seem to bring myself to actually do it. For a while I'm making progress, then something comes up, and the next moment I'm back to square one. This is discouraging, it's...