For many people, the current lockdown means poor food and minimal exercise.
Don't worry, this is completely understandable and all too human.
But what if you feel like NOW is the right time to become more active again?
We think: A good decision!
To make it easier for you to take the first important steps back to more fitness, we have it for you 4 effective tips for more activity compiled:
1. Make a plan!
One of the biggest challenges of the ongoing lockdown is that you may be spending most of the day at home. Many of your old routines have evaporated, making training even more challenging than before the pandemic began.
Open your calendar and enter 3 “Fitness Reboot” appointments for the next 7 days. Try to schedule your first appointment for tomorrow. At a time that fits into your daily routine and doesn't put you under pressure.
Now maximize your chances of success by starting with a really simple training plan (how about this one!?).
Try Hamburg's friendliest LIVE online training program now for just €4 per course.
2. Get your workout clothes ready the night before.
Even if you're working out at home, it's important to give your brain the right signals to ensure you stick to your workout plan.
If you lay out your workout clothes the night before, you're telling your subconscious that you're serious.
This makes it much easier to turn your new exercise plan into a positive habit.
3. Make a date with a friend.
Is there anyone else in your family, friends or colleagues who is also interested in getting active again? Why don't you agree to start your new training plan together and then communicate regularly about your progress via WhatsApp or Zoom?
Studies have shown that people who start an exercise program together as “workout buddies” are over 85 % less likely to drop out of the program early.
4. Log your training sessions.
Keeping a simple training diary or log will help you keep track of exactly what you've done. Your motivation improves immediately. Every time you enter a new workout or increase one of the workout parameters.
A training log also helps you to meaningfully develop your training over time. You can aim for small increases like 2-3 more reps per week or add another set to your workout. This will give you an incredible sense of achievement and motivate you to stick with your training for longer.
One final thought:
Are you having trouble taking the first step alone? Why not ask a qualified fitness coach for help?

As with almost all things in life, one of the easiest and most effective ways to succeed is to get coaching from someone who has helped people in similar situations achieve their goals.
Anyone who has worked with a good coach will tell you that it is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Not only do you learn a lot about how to motivate yourself. You'll also learn a variety of skills that will help you overcome other obstacles you may face in the future.
Try Hamburg's friendliest LIVE online training program now for just €4 per course.