Learn more about the Fit4theGame community

Find out more about our trial offer, who your coaches are and what pricing models we offer.

Try us for 30 days – no contract, no risk!

With our trial offer you can test us completely risk-free to see whether Fit4TheGame is right for you. We invite you to an introductory appointment and help you define your goal clearly and realistically. For example, together we find the answer to questions like these:

“What kind of exercise do you enjoy and what kind of exercise do you not enjoy?”

“Are there goals that have been exciting to you for a long time or that you have been “running after” for a long time?”

“How much time per week do you have available for training?”

“What other factors in your life are competing for your time and energy?”

During the first training you can also share your wishes, priorities, challenges and motivations with us.

We want to help you achieve your fitness goals safely and efficiently. We also want to make sure that you feel comfortable at Fit4TheGame and enjoy coming, as this has a huge impact on your fitness success!

Register now and find out more about exactly how we can help you.



Meet Your Coaches – Hamburg coaching team

Personal Trainer Hamburg

We know that fitness isn't always fun. Many studios are intimidating, non-inclusive, and often not a place you want to go. 

Things are different at Fit4theGame. Our coaches are not only excellently trained, they are also always present and available to give advice and support. Our goal is for you to leave the gym happier than when you entered it after every session.

Gavin Nugent

Gavin Nugent

Founder / Head Coach

I like to help the Fit4TheGamers because, each of them has come to me and asked me to help them make sometimes difficult changes so that they can become the best versions of themselves. That's an honor for me."
I like learning because I have always been curious. When I stay curious, I cope better with change, and that makes me a better coach, dad, and person.
My favorite song for workouts: Right now, 'Black Hole Sun' – Soundgarden
Rodrigo Silva

Rodrigo Silva

Performance coach

I like to help the Fit4TheGamers because, they sometimes need a little push to jump over their own shadow.“
I like learning because I enjoy learning new things and constantly developing myself.
My favorite song for workouts: 'Enter Sandman' - Metallica
Ramona Möwis

Ramona Möwis

Performance coach

I like to help the Fit4TheGamers because, I love accompanying you on your journey and watching you grow.”
I like learning because I think growth is incredibly important and essential - knowing more enriches me on many levels. The more I know in certain areas, the better I can pass that on to those around me.”
My favorite song for workouts: 'Little Gone Girl' – CHINCHILLA


With memberships starting at €189 per month, we offer optimal fitness solutions for anyone who truly wants to make their health and fitness a priority. Click on the button below for more information.

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