Small group training

Get healthy, meet new friends, be happy.

Become part of our Fit4TheGame family and achieve your goals while having fun in our small-group training.


With Fit4TheGame Small Group Training you are always motivated and work more intensively on your goals than alone in the gym.

Our small group trainings are essentially the same as personal training, except that Fit4TheGamers do not train individually, but in a group of thirteen or fewer people under a coach.

The exercises in a small group training are tailored to the fitness and health problems of the individual participants and are demonstrated and explained in detail by a coach.

Your Fit4TheGame coaches will pay attention to your technique and you will stay injury-free. This means your training is always fun, challenging and sustainable.

Fitness Family

You will have a network of people with whom you can talk openly and non-judgmentally about your goals and progress. You have fun together, motivate each other and celebrate your success together!

Professional coaches

We Fit4TheGame Coaches love our job! We are highly trained with international experience and are happy to help you achieve your goals

fun factor

When you work out alone in the gym, it can feel like a chore. Our small group workouts are fun, motivating and you will quickly look forward to your lesson of the day!

Lasting results

No yo-yo effect! Your Fit4TheGame coaches not only help you achieve your health goals, they also show you how to maintain the results long-term.

Your start to a healthy and happy life.

Book your free introduction today so we can learn all about you and your goals and help you achieve them

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